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Monday, September 17, 2018

On Durand's Curse

“When two elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers”  - Kenyan Proverb

‘Durand’s Curse’ by Rajiv Dogra details the events and circumstances leading to the fateful agreement of 12th November, 1893CE when the Durand’s Line separating the present day Afghanistan and Pakistan came into existence. It also encompasses a comprehensive and contemporary view of present day Afghanistan, lamenting the monumental injustice meted to Afghans, especially the Pathans.
In mid 20eth Century, as many countries across Asia, Africa and South America emerged Independent from the clutches of Colonialism, lines were arbitrarily drawn by few powerful men, separating and creating nations. Sykes-Picot, Radcliff are to name among a few. But, perhaps the most chaotic and arbitrary one was the ‘Durand’s Line’. In a crazy and concocted ‘Great Game’, Afghanistan was envisioned as a buffer zone separating British India from Tsarist Russia rather than an Independent country.

Spooked by unsubstantiated claims of Russian Invasion of India, the British (then East India Company) replaced the immensely popular King of Afghanistan, Dost Mohammad Khan with Shuja Shah. However, the fiercely independent Afghans struck back, and what followed for the next century was an era of trickery and bloodshed. After Partition of India, Afghanistan’s position went from bad to worse, as vouched by it’s recent history. A disastrous civil war, ambitious neighbors and changing geopolitical scenario means that another ‘Great Game’ is at play!

It is a must read for anyone interested in the Indo-Afghan Foreign affairs/Afghanistan/Geopolitics of Asia.

Book – Durand’s Curse by Rajiv Dogra (English)

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